Volleyball Rules
Volleyball Rules for 3D Sideouts
All players must be at least 21 years of age.
Be at 3D Sideouts ready to play or your team will forfeit NO EXCEPTIONS!! Only lightning during GAME TIME will stop play. Games in progress that are cancelled due to will start over unless one team has 15 points and is leading by at least points. **Make ups will be scheduled by league director either with an extended season, on your league night during open court times, or on your league night. Captain will be notified before the make-up match.
- Each player must sign a roster and waiver BEFORE the first night of play.
- Rosters for each team may not be changed after the fourth week of play.
- Rosters are limited to the following amounts: Doubles – 4: Triples – 6: Quads – 8: Sixes – 12
- Forfeits due to lack of players will cost a team $5 a game ($15/match).
- Games will start at scheduled time: forfeits will be called for the games at the following increments: five (5) minutes for the first game: fifteen (15) for the second game: twenty-five (25) minutes for the third game. THIS RULE IS STRICLTY ENFORCED.
- The minimum number of players needed to avoid forfeits are as follows: Doubles – 2: Triples – 2: Quads – 2(equal gender): Sixes – 4 (at least 2 female at all times).
- Rotations and positions must be followed at all times.
- Co-ed 6’s – 2 females and 3 males are allowed, number of males can not be more than one over the number of females.
- Co-ed 4’s – 1 female and 2 males are allowed, number of males can not be more then one over the number of females.
- No player can be on 2 rosters in the same league. No subbing within your own league.
- Team captains are responsible in handing in completed rosters. Any rosters not handed in will be considered invalid.
- Any teams disputing rosters must do so before the match starts. No exceptions!
- No protests: all referee decisions are final.
- Three games are played every match every week until playoffs.
- Rally scoring for all matches with games to 21. There is a 25 point cap on all games.
- Each team is allowed two (2) twenty (20) second timeouts per game.
- Service is anywhere behind the back line, within court sidelines.
- First ball double hit rules apply. A HARD driven first ball may be double contacted, BUT NOT LIFTED.
- All contacts must be clean: at no time will a ball be allowed to be held, lifted, pushed, carried, or thrown. The ball may not roll on or come to a rest on any part of the body.
- Sets and ball handling calls will be adjusted with league level of play.
- Players DO have to be square to destination in all 4’s Leagues.
- At no time is any player interference with the net allowed during play, all net violation will be called.
- Players may cross under the net as long as contact is not made with either an opposing player, the net, or interfere with the play.
- The ball must cross the plain of the net before it is contacted by an opposing player.
- Each team is entitled and allowed up to three (3) contacts.
- Open hand tip attacks are not allowed in any leagues except 6’s.
- All block touches do not count a regular touch (the ball may be contacted 3 times after a block touch: and the same player that blocked the ball may contact it again).
- After a ball is contacted by an opposing player, the team is allowed an additional three (3) contacts.
- Back row attack rules apply on all Sixes (6’s) leagues (any back row player must be behind the 10 foot line to attack or block the ball).
- If at any time the ball or any part of a player’s body touches the perimeter fencing while trying to make a play on the ball, the play is immediately over and the ball is ruled out.
- Referees discretion on all plays not involving or having a perimeter fence.
- The ball must pass over the net in between the antennas: if there are no antennas, then the ball must go over between the poles.
- In Sixes (6’s) play, if the ball is contacted on your side more than once, a female must contact the ball before is sent over the net. (“Two player rule”).
- Jump serving is not allowed in any recreational leagues
Most playing rules are in conjunction with the USAV Rules Handbook; any rules not covered in the house rules will follow the USAV rulebook.
Sideouts Beach Volleyball Rules
Supplement For Cash Competitive Leagues Only
All players must be at least 21 years of age
- Home team is responsible for game ball. Sideouts has volleyballs available to borrow in the gazebo bar with ID deposit only. (Wilson yellow official AVP balls should be used.)
- Be ready and warmed up to play at GAME TIME, a five minute shared hitting time will start as soon as the previous match is over. Due to the competition level, games may run late but warm up times will be strictly enforced.
- Captains for both teams are responsible for getting games to start ASAP.
- Each game is played to 21 points will a 25 point cap. Three games are played in all matches. Each game counts as a won or loss.
- Each team is allowed two (2) twenty (20) second time outs per game.
- Home team (first on schedule) will have choice of serve or side in the first and third games.
- Before EVERY serve, server must announce score so all players hear and then serve.
- This is a competitive league for advanced players only, all calls and ball handling errors should be strictly enforced.
- Sets must come off very clean and have little or no rotation, if there is numerous questions about a player’s hands, they should bump set.
- Setting serves & “free” balls will be allowed, but must come off hands absolutely perfect.. Double contacts are not allowed.
- Double contacts on a HARD driven balls are allowed. As long as it is one attempt to play the ball and comes out clean and is not lifted.
- No open hand tips, all “soft” attacks must be closed handed or knuckles.
- If a ball is intentionally set into the opponent’s court, the player must contact the ball with two hands above his/her shoulders and set is directly forward or back ward in relation to their BODY. (NOT IN RELATION WITH THE NET) Legal sets directed toward a player that crosses the net because of the elements is not a fault regardless of the players’ body position.
- Any disputed plays should be replayed. If a league director has to get involved, their decision will be final.
- All captains are responsible for settling disputes and controlling players on their team.
- After EACH match, both captains must fill out the score sheet with all the needed information.
- Any team not filling out score sheets will receive three (3) loses for the day and after the forth (4th) violation will be fined.
- There will be NO MAKE-UP games in the league. Only the League Director can schedule a make-up due to weather!!!!
- All games are to be refereed by players on a “call your own” basis. Since the league is for cash, games may get intense and all players are reminded to stay calm.
- Any player, captain, coach or spectator that cannot respect these rules will be asked to leave the league – NO REFUNDS. (Only the league director or bar manager can eject a person from the league or facility.)
- Completed rosters must be filled out by all player & and it is the teams responsibility to make sure they are handed into Sideouts. If we do not have your roster it will be considered invalid.
- No players may play on 2 different teams in the same league.
- Any rules not stated will be made by the league director(s).

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