Just Pete
Just Pete – Enjoy Pete Grecos acoustic version of all your favorite rock hits from the 70s, 80s and are!
Greco’s love for singing started at an early age when he fell in love with rock & roll and we mean the roots of rock & roll! That’s right, from Elvis to Buddy Holly to Jerry Lee Lewis, Pete soaked up all that priceless music from his mom’s 45s…remember those! The first time anyone heard Pete sing was at a friend’s band rehearsal when Pete was just 15. The bands singer was sick and didn’t make practice so Pete couldn’t contain himself when they started playing Triumphs “Lay it on the line” so he jumped up and got behind the microphone and has been behind one ever since. He has toured nationally with original bands Theatre and My Hero.
My Hero opened for Warrant on part of their national tour back in the 80s and was managed by John Brewer (one time Manager from England for Yes). My Hero was also featured in Metal Edge Magazine in a story where they were predicted to be the next big thing out of Chicago and unknown to them had Sony Records very interested in signing them. Unfortunately right at that time Seattle grunge started to take off and Hair Band record deals went away so Pete decided to pursue his other dream of putting together one of the best cover bands in the Chicago area market!